What is Tiger Woods’ putting stroke?

What is Tiger Woods’ putting stroke?

He places his thumbs straight down the center of the putter grip. Woods’ grip is conducive to an arc-style putting stroke in which the face opens in relation to the target line going back, then closes after impact. Note: All descriptions are for right-handed golfers.

Why does Tiger Woods swing his golf clubs with his left hand?

That’s because his left hand is in a stronger position more on the side of the grip. His right hand is basically neutral — maybe on the slightly strong-side of neutral. Combined, those two forces push the shaft toward the target. This grip resulted in a swing in which the club was across the line at the top of the backswing with a closed clubface.

Why do golfers hold the shafts in their left hand?

That’s because his left hand is in a stronger position more on the side of the grip. His right hand is basically neutral — maybe on the slightly strong-side of neutral. Combined, those two forces push the shaft toward the target.