How do I choose the right Ping Irons?

How do I choose the right Ping Irons?

To determine a starting point, plot your static color code by measuring your height, and wrist (on your glove hand) to floor. The PING fitting mix and our process of elimination will identify an optimal model, length, color code, shaft, and grip. PING offers a variety of irons, ranging from compact players irons to game-enjoyment models.

Why choose Ping fitting?

PING uses Dual Doppler Radar technology that captures the greatest amount of detail and accuracy of club head movement and down-range ball flight. Indoors or out, PING’s time-tested fitting process is highly accurate – especially knowing we can rely on your biometrics to inform your specifications.

Where can I buy custom fit Ping golf clubs?

Custom Fit PING Golf Clubs are available here at Golf USA. We are an official registered PING website, which gives you confidence when buying PING from us. Every loft, lie, shaft, length, and grip option is available to order. Shipping is fast and sent right to your front door.

Where to go for a golf fitting?

Another simple option when it comes to where to go for a golf fitting is a golf retailer.