Are You overly intimidated by driving ranges?

Are You overly intimidated by driving ranges?

That realization for beginning golfers can be a huge step toward getting over being intimidated. Like on the golf course, driving ranges presuppose a specific type of etiquette. For beginner players, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by how particular certain range-goers are about their surrounding environment.

Why do people go to the driving range?

Look, chances are that you’re at the driving range for the same reason as your fellow golfer: For a little bit of golf swing therapy. You may, along the way, set up next to a golfer whose golf swing you admire, and may want to ask about.

Should you tip the bucket list at the golf range?

If you’re stationed at a stall on the left side range, don’t take aim at a green on the far right. Ditto for the other way around. 3. The Bucket List Don’t tip the bucket over unless you plan to hit every single shot. Only take the balls you need and leave the rest in the bucket for the next golfer, rather than scattering them all about. 4.

How do you keep pace on a golf course?

Take the time you need, but keep a consistent pace. You don’t need to rush through hitting all your golf balls, but don’t pause to take long phone calls, and when you’ve hit your last shot, pack up your stuff and leave. Just like keeping a prompt pace-of-play on the course, your fellow golfer behind you will appreciate it.