Are You Asked to sign up for member-guest events soon?

Are You Asked to sign up for member-guest events soon?

Member-guest season is upon us. At many clubs, events have been delayed until a little later in the year, but you might be asked to sign up for yours soon. Member-guests are something we look forward to for months, one we want to fully enjoy, even in these unusual times.

What is a member-guest tournament in golf?

What is a member-guest tournament in golf? It a golf tournament in which a member — of a private golf club, of a golf organization or association — invites a non-member to be his or her partner in a two-person tournament.

What is an example of a member-guest event?

For example, the Corpus Christi chapter of the Pan American Golf Association holds a member-guest; each of the participating organization members gets to ask a guest to be his or her partner for the event. What format is played during a member-guest?

Is there an art to winning the member-guest?

This is not an accident. There is an art to fully enjoying-and winning-the member-guest. Here are a few tips we’ve picked up along the way that might have you holding the crystal at the end of yours.