Who exactly was the "Lost Hero"?

Who exactly was the "Lost Hero"?

This PBS production, Lafayette: The Lost Hero , shines the spotlight on a hero of the American Revolution sometimes forgotten in discussions of the Revolutionary War. This DVD chronicles the life of Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier de La Fayette , Marquis de La Fayette , or simply Lafayette, beginning with his early life on his …

Who wrote ‘the lost’?

The Lost by Natasha Preston (Goodreads Author) 3.91 · Rating details · 7,925 ratings · 1,077 reviews In the small town of Aurora, teens go missing all the time. But when one of Piper and Hazel’s classmates disappears, they become determined to find out the truth of what happened to her.

Who is the narrator in lost?

The unnamed protagonist and narrator of the novel is orphaned as a child (though he only states that his parents have more than "left" later on), and is sent to boarding school where he first becomes acquainted with the work of the bizarre philosopher, De Selby, who is referenced constantly, both via footnotes, and in body of the novel itself.

Who was lost and is found?

Lost&Found mourns the death of Dennis “DJ” Crawley-Smith. Dennis John “DJ” Crawley-Smith, who as a high school student was the visionary who developed the ideas and creation of Lost&Found and who led the organization in its early years, died of brain cancer Monday, March 21, at his home in Seattle.