Did you know Austin Hitt only played three holes in 3rd round?

Did you know Austin Hitt only played three holes in 3rd round?

Thirty-six-hole leader Austin Hitt played three holes of his third round. Did you know, the last PGA TOUR-affiliated Tour event held at Mission Inn was last November’s PGA TOUR Latinoamérica Qualifying Tournament. For the first time in the previous 28 PGA TOUR Latinoamérica Q-Schools, an event didn’t go the full 72 holes.

What happened to the 1968 PGA Championship?

It was one of many salvos fired during a player rebellion against the organizing body that lasted almost two years, wiped out the 1968 player of the year award, generated multiple legal actions and divided the PGA forever. What caused the trouble? What else? Opportunity, money, power—control.

What went wrong with the PGA Tour?

The touring pros also took issue with a new $250,000 tournament in Westchester, N.Y., that PGA executives had negotiated in secret and from which $50,000 of the purse was supposed to go into a general pension fund for all PGA members. The plan was scrapped, but the damage was done.

What is Austin Hitt doing in the PGA Tour Canada Qualifying Tournament?

This is Austin Hitt’s third time playing in a PGA TOUR Canada Qualifying Tournament. In 2020, he earned conditional status with his tie for 21st finish. (Media/PGA TOUR)