Why do I Duff the golf ball?

Why do I Duff the golf ball?

Another reason players duff the ball is they buckle their left (lead) knee when they are in the downswing. This will also throw you out of sequence and jam the club into the turf behind the ball. The fix for this is simple. As you make a turn through the ball, make an effort to “post up” on your left leg.

How do I prevent the Duff shot?

The follow-through is always important for any shot but especially when trying to prevent the duff shot. With a duff you might be hitting down on the ball too much without a follow-through so make sure you have a balanced high finish so you come up through the ball at impact. 5. Strong wrists during downswing

Is Duffing the ball the worst shot in golf?

Other than the shank, you might say that duffing the ball is the worst shot someone can play in golf, so if you want to eradicate it from your game then check out our five quick fixes… 1. Have a looser grip If you’re holding the club too tightly you won’t allow the clubhead to flick through at impact and hit the ball before the ground.

What is a duffer in golf?

"Duffer" is a colloquial or slang term within golf for a mediocre or poor golfer. Some non-golfers use "duffer" as a synonym for "golfer," but that’s not correct. Duffer doesn’t apply to all golfers, just to those who aren’t among the better golfers. (In his Golf for Dummies instructional book, Gary McCord defines duffer as simply "bad player.")