When should you move up to the senior Tees in golf?

When should you move up to the senior Tees in golf?

In golf, there is no set age for when a person must move up to the senior tees. Most of the time, this switch happens around the age of seventy. In years past, golfers would try and delay this move to the senior tees for as long as possible. At this point in the game, people have realized that playing up a few yards is what makes the game fair.

How old is a senior in golf?

A senior can be defined in a lot of different ways. For the PGA Tour, a Senior is over fifty years old. In golf, there is no set age for when a person must move up to the senior tees. Most of the time, this switch happens around the age of seventy. In years past, golfers would try and delay this move to the senior tees for as long as possible.

What is a senior tee in golf?

A senior can be defined in a lot of different ways. For the PGA Tour, a Senior is over fifty years old. In golf, there is no set age for when a person must move up to the senior tees. Most of the time, this switch happens around the age of seventy.

How old do you have to be to play from the tee?

Many golf clubs today still apply an age rule for the use of the forward tees, especially on competition days. 70 years of age was the benchmark for most. Some senior golf societies have an age entry level of 55 years and most members play from the forward tee box. Further reading – At What Age Do Golfers Play From The Senior Tee?