What do red figures mean on a golf Ledger?

What do red figures mean on a golf Ledger?

In a business ledger, red figures mean a loss because they represent a negative number. Black numbers on the ledger are positive. However, the meaning is the opposite in golf. Negative numbers are good in golf. Positive numbers are bad in golf.

What do the numbers on golf clubs mean?

Now that you are more familiar with the types of golf clubs, what about the golf club numbers? Golf club numbers refer to the loft, which is the angle of the golf club face. When you adjust the loft, you are changing the height and distance the golf ball will travel when struck.

Can you score off the par in golf?

Instead of having to rely on handicaps for an idea of how skilled a player is, you can score off of the par. When you receive your golf scorecard, there should be an already listed Par number for each hole in the course. This par number tells you how many strokes it should take to sink the ball.

Are negative numbers good or bad in golf?

Negative numbers are good in golf. Positive numbers are bad in golf. These red, black and green numbers are a better visual cue for fans, but golfers can also use shapes around their scores to indicate over and under par scores as well.