What do fairway markers mean on a golf course?

What do fairway markers mean on a golf course?

Golf fairway markers are a series of disks placed on courses, usually on par 4s or par 5s, that signify the distance from that point in the fairway to the center of the green. The markers are color coded according to distance, and while most courses use the same system, check with a course employee if you are unsure.

What are the rules for ball marking in golf?

Ball marking is referenced throughout the rules, but the most common points are covered under rules 20-1 and 20-3. Rule 20-1 states in part, “The position of a ball to be lifted should be marked by placing a ball-marker, a small coin or other similar object immediately behind the ball.”

How do you use a ball marker in golf?

You just grab whatever’s handy — such as a plastic marker, a coin, or even a tee — mark and remove your ball, then put it back when it’s your turn. But the rules of game apply to both amateur and professional golfers, and cover situations that involve something as simple as a ball marker.

What is a marker on a golf scorecard?

Think of it this way: The marker is the one marking down your scores on the scorecard . Markers, in this sense, are probably most visible to recreational golfers when we are watching the pros play on TV. You know how tour players exchange scorecards at the beginning of the round?