Should you change your golf ball position with each club?

Should you change your golf ball position with each club?

The Key to Golf Ball Position is Keeping it Constant You might have been told that your golf ball position should change depending on the club you’re using. For shorter irons, many people contend that the ball should be played in the middle of the stance, but hitting longer clubs requires the ball position to be more forward.

Do shorter golf clubs make your swing closer to the middle?

Those adhering to the first method say that as clubs get progressively shorter in length, the swing bottoms out closer to the middle of the stance. The problem with this, the second group contends, is that changing ball position with each club causes inconsistency.

Why do pro golfers swing back and forth?

They swing back and forth.” The analogy is a useful one because it describes something lots of pros think about: The “radius” of their golf swing. Your arms are going to straighten as you swing, Trevino says, which means you need to monitor the literal space between yourself and the golf ball you’re trying to hit.

Should the golf ball be in the middle of the stance?

For shorter irons, many people contend that the ball should be played in the middle of the stance, but hitting longer clubs requires the ball position to be more forward. Their reasoning: Shafts vary in length, so you need to adjust because each club will bottom out in a different place.