Is this the second time the PGA has withdrawn a tournament?

Is this the second time the PGA has withdrawn a tournament?

It is the second time in roughly five years that the P.G.A. of America withdrew a tournament from a Trump course.

Is the PGA Grand Slam of golf canceled at Bedminster?

In 2015, the organization canceled the PGA Grand Slam of Golf slated for Trump National Los Angeles. Bedminster last served as major championship host for the 2017 U.S. Women’s Open, which President Trump attended in person. Following the PGA’s vote, there are no major championships currently scheduled for Trump properties.

What happened to the Trump Grand Slam of golf?

The P.G.A. Grand Slam of Golf, which was scheduled for Trump National Golf Club Los Angeles in 2015, was canceled not long after Mr. Trump made disparaging comments about Mexican immigrants while seeking the Republican Party’s nomination for president.