How to swing a golf club correctly?

How to swing a golf club correctly?

Next, “cuddle” the thumb of your lead hand with the other hand as you grasp the club. You should end up with the thumbs aligned and the club being held in the fingers. 2. Posture Solid postureis another important element of the swing.

How do you rotate your hips in golf swing?

Just rotate around your spine in each direction, leaving your hips quiet. The reason you have your hands in front of your chest is to allow you to feel and see whether or not your hips are rotating along with your torso. The goal is to keep your hips very quiet, not allowing them to follow along with the rotation in the golf swing.

Is rotary swing the best golf instruction website?

"I can honestly say that Rotary Swing has completely revolutionized the way I think about the golf swing…The website is without a doubt the best golf instruction resource anywhere on the internet." Validating Account… Videos! Already have an account? Click here to login. Or…

How do I know if my golf rotation is working?

As you work on your golf rotation, look to see if your left hand is starting to push your right away from the center of your chest.