How to compress the golf ball?

How to compress the golf ball?

Compressing the ball is all about your attack angle. To hone the perfect path through impact, try this drill: Slide a tee into the ground behind the ball. While in your setup, visualize the clubhead driving the tee farther into the ground underneath the ball, just like a hammer driving a nail into wood. Then make a swing to match.

How to properly address a golf ball?

Address- You proceed to address the golf ball after taking a stance, the right posture, and properly gripping the golf club. Let your club head touch the ground right behind your golf ball. Grounding the club is the situation where your club is on the ground as you address the ball.

How do you square the face of a golf ball?

It will also square the face. If your palm faces the target or—gulp—points skyward, you’ll scoop the ball off the turf instead of compressing it. PINCH: Strike the ball with your right palm facing the ground—the key to compression.

How to hit a golf ball on the fairway?

Let your club head touch the ground right behind your golf ball. Grounding the club is the situation where your club is on the ground as you address the ball. Target is the direction towards which you are planning to hit a golf ball Fairway is the part of the course that has short grass, usually between green and the tee.