How do you restore the shine on golf clubs?

How do you restore the shine on golf clubs?

Buffing your golf clubs is a quick and easy way to restore their shine. Before you buff your clubs, it is best to clean them first, as this makes the buffing process more effective. Once they are clean, smear metal polish over the head of the club, allow it to sit for a minute, and then rub it off.

What’s the best way to polish up chrome?

However, trolling through the forums on WRX, I have found a huge number of different ways recommended for polishing up the chrome: – Jewelers/Truckers compounds, with a buffing wheel (I do have a Dremel, not a bench grinder) Of course, suggested to finish with Turtle Wax.

How to clean golf clubs for beginners?

Soak the clubs for several minutes to help loosen any debris that may be ingrained in the grooves of the club face. Gently work the hot water and soap over the face and back of the golf club with a toothbrush or medium-bristled brush. Scrub the club with medium pressure until it appears clean. Rinse the club with clean water.

How to polish your golf clubs?

Polishing your golf clubs is a simple process that every golfer should do regularly to keep them in tip-top shape. First, grab a bucket or small container and fill it with warm water and mild soap. The water should be warm but not hot, so you don’t burn yourself when you dip your hands in it.