How can I support Moms through March of Dimes?

How can I support Moms through March of Dimes?

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What should a caddie bring to a golf tournament?

Every caddie should have a pre-game checklist of items needed before a round. Ensure that you have a scorecard and pencil, as well as a towel. You should also keep a handful of tees and a few balls in your pocket so you have them at the ready if needed by your golfer.

Do you talk to your caddie on the golf course?

Most golfers will talk with their caddie, but some just want to focus on their game and in that instance just carry their clubs and keep out of their way. Except when on the green, you should have the golf bag ready for your golfer to be able to easily select their club.

What does March of Dimes do?

March of Dimes leads the fight for the health of all moms and babies. We support research, lead programs and provide education and advocacy so that every family can have the best possible start.