Why do I keep hooking the golf ball?

Why do I keep hooking the golf ball?

Your club path is way off the correct swing plane. Another reason why you’re hooking the ball is your club is not traversing down the ideal swing plane. If the ball starts from the left then goes farther left, then it is more likely that your club is moving from outside to inside the target line.

What causes a golf ball to draw?

A negative sidespin axis moves from the right to the left (with right-handed players), causing a golf ball draw. This spin rate is created when a golfer hits the ball inside out, towards the right-hand side with an open clubface. What Is the Best Grip to Hit a Draw?

When should you draw the golf ball?

If your target lies on the left corner, it is the right time for you to draw the golf ball. Some players draw the golf ball naturally, and they really don’t know the process and can not do it again on purpose. On the other hand, the professionals can draw or fade on demand.

Why should you hit a draw in golf?

Besides, hitting a draw in golf is useful when you try to avoid hazards like ponds or sand traps. A slightly curved ball flight is safe and more accessible to make than a straight one. It can keep your ball stay in the fairway and even increase stopping power when it lands. Generally, drawing in golf enables you to control your ball better.