Why do I hit a golf ball behind the ball?

Why do I hit a golf ball behind the ball?

Another problem that causes some golfers to hit behind the ball is that they decelerate or slow their swing down. When hitting a golf ball, you will always want to be accelerating through the impact position. If you can learn to accelerate, you will end up with much more clubhead speed and a higher chance of hitting the golf ball far.

Is it better to hit the ball behind or top it?

There are all sorts of mishits in golf that aggravate us, but hitting behind the ball or ‘hitting it fat’ actually hurts and that can be very discouraging. There is good news though. In my opinion as an instructor who has taught full time for over 20 years, hitting behind the ball is actually much better than topping the ball.

Why do I hit it fat in the golf swing?

Here are 3 reasons and fixes for why you hit it fat: Staying centered during the swing is a big issue for a lot of golfers. If your weight moves laterally (away from the target) on the backswing, the center of your swing moves. The problem with this is that the golf ball does not move with you.

How to hit a golf ball from the center of stance?

The goal is to feel the clubhead working down and hitting the ground where the ball would be; in front of the center of your stance. After you get the feel for leading with the hands and hitting the ground, add a golf ball and hit some shots.