How often do you fertilize TifEagle greens?

How often do you fertilize TifEagle greens?

On the TifEagle greens, Brousseau uses a granular fertilizer two or three times a year. After the granular applications, he sprays the greens to maintain a constant, manageable growth. “Generally, we use a granular when we’re going into our aerification program,” he says.

Are golf courses fertilizing their Greens?

Pat Gross, the USGA Green Section’s Southwest director who’s based in Santa Ana, Calif., has seen trends in golf course fertility programs throughout the past decade. “Nearly all golf courses spray fertilizers on greens now,” he says.

What are the benefits of fertilizing golf course grass?

Deep roots help the grass stay strong, lush and green. Golf course turf receives adequate nutrients from regular fertilizing. Fertilizers typically contain a balance of potassium and nitrogen, which helps the grass stay strong, even when it’s subjected to extreme temperature and heavy traffic.

How often should I apply fertilizer to my golf course?

Dry fertilizer is applied by broadcasting it across the golf course two or three times a year. And applied to the greens monthly, at a great cost in labor and equipment expenses. Special liquid golf course fertilizers are spray applied to the greens monthly at great cost in labor and equipment cost.