How do you hit a draw on the golf course?

How do you hit a draw on the golf course?

With these factors in mind, to hit a draw you simply need to hit the ball with your clubface open to your target line and closed to your swing path. A clubface open to your target line will start the ball to the right of your target, and a face that’s closed to the swing path will generate the spin needed to draw it back.

How to draw the ball back in a golf swing?

A clubface open to your target line will start the ball to the right of your target, and a face that’s closed to the swing path will generate the spin needed to draw it back. All of this can be accomplished by making just two adjustments to your setup and using your normal golf swing.

How do you hit a draw in archery?

To hit a draw, you need a "closed" stance, one that points a little to the right of the target. Draw your rear foot back a couple of inches so the line along the top of your toes points to the right of the target.

What is drawing a golf ball?

However, drawing is the intentional movement that golfers create to control a ball and make it land where they want. It is different from other wayward shots. Drawing is like hitting a ball in “banana shape”. A right-handed player makes his ball slightly curve from right to left, and things are opposite from left-to-right with a left-handed player.