How do Mini Tour golfers travel between tournaments?

How do Mini Tour golfers travel between tournaments?

The mini tour player’s vehicle is their predominant mode of transportation. Driving for 8-to-10 hours between tournaments or Monday qualifiers is nothing new. Your vehicle will even double as your bed on some nights. One time I had to sleep in the back of my two-door Honda Civic in a hotel parking lot in Iowa because all the hotels were sold out.

What is it like to play on the mini-tour?

But below the PGA Tour, below the Tour, and well under the radar, mini-tour players like Barlow are hard at work hitting the greatest shots you’ve never seen. And whether a given week’s Tour stop is Hawaii or elsewhere in the Lower 48, to aspiring pros dangling from the lower rungs, playing the PGA Tour is paradise.

What’s the difference between single-a and mini-tours?

If the Tour is the equivalent of Triple-A baseball, one step below the bigs, then mini-tours — while unaffiliated with the PGA Tour — are Single-A. Rookie ball. It’s the lowest professional level in the sport.

Where do MiniMini Tour players live?

Mini tour tournaments are held year-round in Florida, Arizona and Southern California for players to tee it up. A large percentage of players work in the off-season at golf courses in some capacity, either as a caddy or in the bag room or pro shop to make ends meet. No. 8: Accommodations