Does Alondra Golf Course have a driving range?

Does Alondra Golf Course have a driving range? Golf lessons are offered for juniors ages 18 and under on rules, safety, chipping, putting and the driving range.

What is the name of the golf course that is near Redmond? 

Nestled in the watershed of Redmond, Washington, The Golf Club at Redmond Ridge offers 18 holes of championship golf designed by celebrated architect Gary Panks.


Golf Shop 6:00am–7:00pm
Crooked Spoon: Hours vary

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Does Fullerton Golf Course have a driving range? The practice facility at Fullerton Golf Course features a 25-station driving range that slopes downhill to well-maintained target greens and markers.

Who owns Fullerton Golf? The course rating is 69.0 and it has a slope rating of 105. Designed by David Rainville, the Fullerton golf course opened in 1955. American Golf Corporation manages this facility, with Jeff Hwang as the General Manager.

Does Alondra Golf Course have a driving range? – Additional Questions

How long does it take to play Oso Creek Golf Course?

POP Rediculously slow. We finished 9 in 2hrs 10 min, and decided to leave the course. It was too slow. NO WAY a course that short should be tracking at over 4hrs to play; that’s comparable to what regulation course should take.