Did president Obama play golf during national emergencies?

Did president Obama play golf during national emergencies?

President Obama payed over 300 rounds of golf in his Administration, so he definitely played golf during many national emergencies that were in place, including 12 he declared himself. Between the enactment of the National Emergencies Act in 1976 through March 13, 2020, 61 emergencies have been declared; 27 have expired while 34 are currently i

How many rounds of golf did Obama play as president?

According to CBS News White House Correspondent Mark Knoller, Obama played 333 rounds as president.

How many times has Donald Trump played golf during his presidency?

The very fit Baral Obama played 333 rounds of golf during his 8 years as President, or 3% of his time. It’s good outdoor exercise. (Eisenhower played 800 rounds during his 8 years.) Up to December 20, 2020, Donal Trump played golf at least 308 times during his almost 4 years in office—at his private clubs.

Why did some US Presidents play golf?

Most of the U.S. Presidents dating back to William Howard Taft have played golf in some capacity, for some reason. Calvin Coolidge played because golf was becoming popular. Lyndon Johnson played golf because he realized it was a great way to court political conversation and favors.