When is a golf ball at rest out of bounds?

When is a golf ball at rest out of bounds?

That rule begins by noting that "Your ball at rest is out of bounds only when all of it is outside the boundary edge of the course." So, for example, if a white line painted on the turf designated the OB boundary, and your golf is at rest on the line, the ball is in bounds.

What is considered out of bounds on a golf course?

According to the USGA, out of bounds is defined as “beyond the boundaries of the course or any part of the course so marked.” This boundary is marked by white stakes (and lines connecting them) that are considered “fixed,” which means players are not allowed to move them.

Is a ball at rest OOB or out of bounds?

Let’s get to basics first. When people saw the footage of his ball under the fence, they assumed it had to be OOB but the Rules say a ball at rest is out of bounds only when “all of it is outside the boundary edge of the course”. If any part of it is inside that boundary edge, is above it, below it, or any other part of the course, it’s in.

When is the ball in bounds on the Ob boundary?

So, for example, if a white line painted on the turf designated the OB boundary, and your golf is at rest on the line, the ball is in bounds. Rule 18.2 includes a diagram to help golfers determine the in-or-out-of-bounds question.