What is a bramble format in golf?

What is a bramble format in golf?

The bramble starts with the members of a team playing a scramble off the tee, but from that point on it’s every golfer for him- or herself into the hole. One or more low balls of the side count as the team score. The bramble format also goes by the name " shamble ." Yes, a bramble and a shamble are the exact same thing.

What’s the difference between a bramble and a best ball tournament?

A bramble tournament should be a little bit faster than a best ball tournament because all four golfers will be playing from a decent position for their second shots (unless all four hit terrible drives). However, the bramble allows each golfer on a team to play "real golf" (unlike in a scramble).

What is a team Bramble score in golf?

The team bramble score can be the one low ball of the group, the two low balls combined, or some other variation depending on the tournament director’s instructions.

What is a golf scramble?

Let’s talk about one of the most popular formats – the golf scramble. We have everything you need to know including, format, rules, and cool strategies on how to win! A golf scramble is a game where two or more teams of four to six players each compete against one another.