What do golf instructors look for in a good setup?

What do golf instructors look for in a good setup?

When it comes to proper setup, golf instructors look for three key components in their students. The setup is the most important element of the swing, and all too often amateurs and even professionals struggle because of poor address positions. If you set up correctly, there’s a much better chance of you hitting a decent shot.

What is the best setup position for my golf clubs?

The ball placement in your setup position varies with the club you select. From a flat lie: Play your short irons (wedges, 9-iron, and 8-iron) in the center portion of your stance. These clubs have the most upright lie angles. They must be swung at the steepest angle, and you should take a divot in front of the ball.

How do you set up a golf swing?

A key component of a golfer’s swing setup is how he’ll actually hold the club in his hands, accomplished through his grip. For clubs other than the putter, there are three main finger placements as well as three categories of grip strengths.

What is a golf setup?

Review the section below for golf terms that relate to the golf setup. The combination of all aspects related to the way the golfer’s body is positioned relative to the ball, to the club in hand, and to the target before the beginning of a swing.