How do you find relief on a golf cart path?

How do you find relief on a golf cart path?

After deciding that relief from the cart path is desired or necessary, the golfer must find the nearest point of relief that moves the ball no closer to the hole and mark that point with a tee. The golfer is entitled to one club length of relief from that spot, which is usually marked with another tee.

Can you play the ball off the cart path?

If your nearest point of relief is in a terrible spot, then you can choose to (sticking with our example) play the ball off the cart path rather than take the free relief. Below is also a quick reference guide on determining the Nearest Point of Relief from a cart path or similar obstruction.

When Am I entitled to relief from the cart path?

You are entitled to relief from the cart path if it impacts your stance, swing, or the lie of your ball. Here’s a quick explanation of how exactly to take relief from the cart path.

Do you have to take a free drop on the cart path?

A golfer does not have to take a free drop when the ball comes to rest on the cart path, although it would be a good idea to avoid injury and damage to the club. If a golfer decides the nearest point of relief would put him in a bad spot to play his next shot, he can play the ball from the cart path.