What side do you take your swing with?

What side do you take your swing with?

“Take it back with your left hand, arm, and shoulder, and pull it down with your left.” I remember when John Jacobs told me to turn my right side to the right on the backswing.

What is lead side dominance in golf?

When your lead side dominant, you’re going to feel that your left side, your left arm is still relaxed, but the body pivot is going to be quicker. You’re going to be building speed and letting that club release naturally. And you can hit balls doing that left arm or right arm only to get the basic feel of that.

Do you use your dominant hand and arm in the golf swing?

No wonder we have 26 million golfers who are confused. It seems that all skill activities say you should use your dominant hand and arm to project or throw the object, yet the instruction in the golf swing is always the same. “Take it back with your left hand, arm, and shoulder, and pull it down with your left.”

What are the two parts of the golf swing?

As we are well aware, golf is a two-sided sport, with each side playing a key role in the swing. Each of our arms through to our hands are responsible for the movement back (backswing) and movement forward (follow through).