What is good club head speed for a 7 iron?

What is good club head speed for a 7 iron?

7 iron swing speed chart. 7 iron club head speed is 80-82 mph with carry of around 145 so I would say Im in the 0-5 bracket being discussed. This is a big advantage for any golf player and instead of buying balls which enhance speed fast swingers can focus more on simply landing the ball safely on the fairway. 45 49 Degrees.

What is the average golfers club head speed?

The average club head speed of a golfer is 110 mph. Based on data collected globally, male golfers have an average speed 15% faster than women within the same category. The golfers in the age group of 17- 50 years have a speed of 126 mph as their 99th percentile.

What is an average or moderate club head speed?

TrackMan Combine data collected from over 10,000 golfers found the average clubhead speed for all men was 93.4 mph and their 99th percentile was 111 mph. In other words, your average of 113 mph for the 17-29 cohort is actually above TrackMan’s 99th percentile!

What is the average clubhead speed?

The average club head speed of a golfer is 110 mph. Based on data collected globally, male golfers have an average speed 15% faster than women within the same category. The golfers in the age group of 17- 50 years have a speed of 126 mph as their 99th percentile.