How do you charge a golf cart?

How do you charge a golf cart?

You may have to do a few modifications:Replace the engine of your electric golf cart with a gas engine that has a generator fitted on it. …The 48 volts system in a golf cart usually features an onboard computer (OBC) that controls the battery pack charging process and restricts the charging when the cart is moving.You can adjust the connections to override the OBC. …More items…

How long does it take to charge a golf cart?

While battery charging time can change depending on the condition of your battery, it should take around 6 hours to fully charge a 48-volt golf cart battery. Forgetting to charge your cart and running out of juice halfway around the course is extremely frustrating!

How far will golf cart go on full charge?

Originally Answered: How far will a golf cart go on a full charge? By comparison a gas golf cart tank usually has a 6 gallon capacity and this will enable you to travel approximately 250 miles. An electric cart will go between 25 and 40 miles depending on your battery configuration.

Why is my golf cart not charging?

It would be advised to have a multi-meter to check your battery pack voltage and the individual battery voltages.You will have the possibility of 3 different voltage batteries: 6-volt, 8-volt, or 12-volt.You’ll plug your golf cart charger into the wall and the cart and leave it in there.More items…