Are cupped wrists good for bowing the ball?

Are cupped wrists good for bowing the ball?

Indeed, cupped wrists promote an open clubface at impact, and a clockwise sidespin. When wrists are bowing the club is open at the top and will be rotated back during the downswing into what is often a closed clubface, ultimately resulting in a hook.

What does cupping your wrists do to your clubface?

Indeed, bowed wrists promote a closed clubface at impact, and a counter-clockwise sidespin. Likewise, golfers who have a tendency to slice the ball should check to make sure their wrists are not cupping. Indeed, cupped wrists promote an open clubface at impact, and a clockwise sidespin.

Why cupping your left hand on the backswing?

Here it is, from Top 100 teacher John Dunigan ( @JohnDuniganGolf ): Your left hand controls the angle of the face at every step of your swing. So if the goal is to square up the clubface at impact, why would you flail it open on your backswing by cupping your left wrist?

What is cupping in golf swing?

Similarly, when wrists are cupping the club is closed at the top and will be rotated back during the downswing into what is often an open clubface, ultimately resulting in a slice. When is it most useful? This swing key is essential for all types of swing that require your wrists to move.